Replaced by Connecting Network Equipment
Table of Contents
1. Purpose and Background
2. Standards
a) ITS-Managed Wired and Wireless Network
b) HIT-Managed Wired and Wireless Networks
c) UVA College at Wise Wired and Wireless Networks
3. Definitions
4. Related Links
5. Exceptions
1. Purpose and Background
In order to assure the highest level of service to the users of the University’s networks, it is critical to preserve their manageability, robustness, and security. Unauthorized networking connections can disrupt normal network operations through interference or misconfiguration and can provide unauthorized access to the University network.
In order to maintain the integrity and availability of the University’s information technology resources, only Information Technology Services (ITS), Health Information and Technology (HIT), or their authorized designees may provide for external physical connections to the University’s network (e.g., connections to an external Internet service provider) as stated in the Acceptable Use of the University's Information Technology Resources policy.
2. Standards
ITS-Managed Wired and Wireless Networks
For the ITS-managed wired and wireless networks, only ITS Network, Telephony & Video Services is authorized to
- Make or approve external physical connections to the University’s network,
- Provide Internet services in a manner to support University business where appropriate,
- Periodically review such approvals, and
- Withdraw approvals when the connection is no longer useful, causes any operational or security disruption, or is otherwise deemed inappropriate.
The University occasionally receives requests for external physical connections to its network. These requests are typically not approved for non-University affiliates or non-University business but may be approved for special cases.
HIT-Managed Wired and Wireless Networks
Health Information & Technology establishes standards for the acquisition of computing hardware, data storage, software, telecommunications and services. Only devices, software, and services sourced and acquired in compliance with the Technology Acquisition - Acquisition of IT-Enabled Resources Connecting to Health System Resources policy shall be connected to the UVA Health System Secure Clinical Network.
For the HIT-managed wired and wireless networks, only HIT Networks is authorized to
- Make or approve external physical connections to the University’s network,
- Provide Internet services in a manner to support University business where appropriate,
- Periodically review such approvals, and
- Withdraw approvals when the connection is no longer useful, causes any operational or security disruption, or is otherwise deemed inappropriate.
UVA College at Wise Wired and Wireless Networks
For the Office of Information Technology (OIT)-managed wired and wireless networks, requests for approval of external physical connections are initiated at the OIT Helpdesk and authorization is granted by OIT.
3. Definitions
See the list of definitions for the Acceptable Use, Data Protection, Information Security, and Privacy & Confidentiality policies.
4. Related Links
- Acceptable Use of the University’s Information Technology Resources (IRM-002)
- External Physical Network Connections Procedures
5. Exceptions
If you think you need to request an exception to these requirements, please refer to the Exceptions Process.