Report an Information Security Incident

If you feel threatened or endangered: Immediately contact the UVA Police (Dial 911 from any phone).

Where you report your information security incident depends on the nature and location of your University affiliation or where the security incident occurred. Please click on the title below that best describes your UVA affiliation or where the security incident occurred and follow the instructions to report an information security incident.

UVA Health System or its Employees (including Medical Center, University Physicians Group, Health Sciences Library, and Schools of Medicine and Nursing)


If you feel threatened or endangered: Immediately contact the UVA Police (Dial 911 from any phone).

Call the Health Information and Technology Services Desk at (434) 924-5334 to report incidents to the Health Information and Technology Security or fill out this reporting form

UVA's College at Wise (or Related Foundation) or its Students or Employees


If you feel threatened or endangered: Immediately contact the UVA-Wise Police at (276) 328-2677.

Report incidents to the Security Administrator by emailing [email protected] or calling (276) 376-4640. If the incident involves equipment theft, the person reporting the incident should also immediately contact the UVA-Wise Police Department at (276) 328-2677. The Security Administrator will inform all other appropriate College officials.

UVA Student or involving student activity or student-owned equipment


If you feel threatened or endangered: Immediately contact the UVA Police (Dial 911 from any phone).

If the incident involves student activity or student-owned equipment, then:

Review the steps under the if your computer is stolen section of our Identity Theft Info web page. If you need further assistance, please contact the UVA Help Desk at (434) 924-HELP (434-924-4357)


If the incident involves activity in a student-employee capacity, see the instructions below for University Academic Division or University-Associated Organizations/Other Employee.

If you are reporting the exposure of research data or any other incident related to School of Medicine or School of Nursing business, please see the instructions above for Health System and Schools of Medicine and Nursing Employees.

University Academic Division or University-Associated Organizations or its Employees or anyone else


If you feel threatened or endangered: Immediately contact the UVA Police (Dial 911 from any phone).

If the incident involves activity in a student-employee capacity, then the instructions below apply.

Submit an Information Security Incident Report (preferred) or phone (434) 924-4165

Reportable incidents may involve: 

  • Potential unauthorized disclosure or alteration of University data not routinely made available to the general public, e.g., employee evaluations, or data the University is legally or contractually bound to protect—e.g., Social Security Numbers, credit card numbers, research data 
  • Unauthorized alteration of any University data, especially highly sensitive or sensitive data. 
  • Loss or theft of electronic devices, electronic media, or paper records that include University data not routinely made available to the general public or data the University is legally or contractually bound to protect 
  • Defacement of a University website 
  • Unauthorized use of an individual's computing account

If you feel threatened or endangered: Immediately contact the UVA Police (911 from any University phone or 434-924-7166 from other phones).

If the incident involves student activity or student-owned equipment, then see the UVA Student section of this webpage.

If the problem does not have any of the above characteristics, then:

Email [email protected]  or... Contact the UVA Help Desk at (434) 924-HELP (434-924-4357)

  • Use of computing resources for unethical or unlawful purposes.
  • Contact from the FBI, Secret Service or other law enforcement organizations, especially if it is regarding a University electronic device that may have been used to commit a computer crime.

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