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Substantive Change: Combined External Physical Network Connections and Connecting Network Equipment Standards
Last modified
August 11, 2023 - 11:04am
Post date
March 15, 2023 - 9:03am
The External Physical Network Connections Standard and Connecting Network Equipment Standard are combined into Connecting Network Equipment Standard.
- Added sentence fragment about external physical networks to the second paragraph.
- Combined items in the “Standards” and “Procedures” section for the three areas (ITS-Managed Wired and Wireless Networks, and HIT-Managed Wired and Wireless Networks) of the documents.
- Added sentence fragment about external physical networks to the second paragraph.
- Combined items in the “Standards” and “Procedures” section for the three areas (ITS-Managed Wired and Wireless Networks, and HIT-Managed Wired and Wireless Networks) of the documents.
- Added three bulleted items (out of eight) from External Physical Network Connections standard that were not in Connecting Network Equipment standard.
- Added “connections” to bullet in Standard that says: Require removal of non-authorized networking connections, equipment, or infrastructure
- Revised the list of wireless devices (e.g., “2.4 and 5.1 GHz wireless devices”)
- wireless devices of any protocol that transmit on any Wi-Fi band or any frequency in the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band