Please report any level of incident, no matter how small. The Information Security office will evaluate the report and provide a full investigation if appropriate.
Substantive Change: Alert-Do NOT use Kaspersky Labs software
Substantive change: On October 22, 2020, the University of Virginia's Vice-President for Research office emailed and published on their website information about prohibitions on procurement and use of certain software and services. Of particular note for information security, federal regulations (enacted in the 2018 NDAA, Sec. 1634) prohibit the use or purchase of any software or services from Kaspersky Labs, or any entity of which Kaspersky Lab has a majority ownership. This includes its antivirus, internet security, password management, endpoint security, and other cybersecurity products and services. Details are on the UVA Vice-President for Research Best Practices webpage.
Our information security webpages, including the standards, procedures, and guidance webpages, that refer to the use of antivirus software have been updated with the above information on this prohibition.